My Goal is your growth and joy
The Bible can change your life, but it can also feel a little bit overwhelming (even for people who have grown up with it).
You Can Learn the Bible exists to help you make more sense of the Bible in less time so you can not just understand the Bible, but delight in it, and experience its transforming power for yourself.
- Bodie Quirk, You Can Learn the Bible Founder

"I wish I could do MORE"
In my 20 years as a Teaching Pastor in Southern California, I taught over 1000 Bible Studies and had even more casual conversations with people about God, the Bible, and life's most important questions. But it wasn't enough. We always wanted more.
I constantly thought...
"I wish we had more time together"
Just when conversations were just getting going, we would have to end for the night
"You deserve a better answer"
Great questions deserve great answers, but I wasn't always able to deliver them right then
"I have more on this topic to share"
I often wanted to take people deeper, but was limited to only the big ideas of a topic
"Others need to hear this, too"
I didn't want to be the only one hearing the amazing insights people had to share
"I have just the thing to help you"
I wanted to expose others to my vast library of resources, but didn't have it with me
I wanted a way to collect and organize the amazing insights people were sharing
I knew I had to make a Change
Being in full-time ministry for 20 years was incredibly rewarding. However, being a Pastor often meant that I was needed for things that had nothing to with my primary passion of teaching the Bible and helping others to understand and apply it to their lives.
So, in February 2022, I stepped down.
"It's time to go all in"
Stepping down from a safe, fulfilling ministry position to pursue my larger dream of creating an online Bible Academy was the biggest risk I had ever taken in my life.
"Can I even do this?"
"Do I have what it takes?" Will I be able to learn what I need to learn about running an online business?" I was scared.
"I have no formal background in business, web design, marketing or social media." I was walking by faith.
"Even though this is scary and unknowing, I know that I must do this. I will regret it forever if I don't." I was committed.

My church praying over me March 1, 2022 (shared via Instagram)

The Academy was born
When I started in February, 2022, I had some early supporters who believed in me, a fledging YouTube channel, and a dream that I could create a thriving online Bible community.
It has taken longer than I thought
Bringing the Bible Academy to life has stretched me and challenged me in ways I could never have imagined.
It has been harder than I thought
I almost gave up. I pushed myself too hard and really questioned whether I had what it took to pull this off.
I believe in it now more than ever
Understanding the Bible will profoundly change your life, and my passion is to help you experience this transformation for yourself.
The biggest reason we don't grow is because we don't know our Bible. The reason we don't know our Bible is because we have not been taught how to study it ourselves
My goals for you:
Teach you the Essential Skills of Bible Study
I want you to know the essentials of studying the Bible so you have what you need to make the most of your time in God's Word
Walk you through the entire Biblical Story
I want you to understand the Bible as a larger, connected story, not just a collection of individual books
Equip you to Study
each book well
I want you to be ready to study any book of the Bible on its own, and understand its role in the larger collection of Scripture
Help you see why JEsus is Central to all
I want you to see how Jesus permeates the entirety of Scripture, and why the whole Biblical story points to him
Invite you to link your life to his life
I want your life to be connected to Jesus and transformed so that you become more and more like Him in your heart and actions
Connect you to others who want to grow
I want you to find others with the same hunger and excitement to learn God's Word so you can help each other make progress

Piper said it best

- John Piper, "The Legacy I Want to Leave"
I love the Local Church
I firmly believe that the local church is the primary place where discipleship should happen. I want to deepen your skills and knowledge so you can invest back into your local church.
Learn the fundamentals of Bible Study
Everyone needs to learn the fundamentals of Bible study, but sadly, not everyone does (even lifelong church-goers).
Share what you learn at your church
When you understand the Bible, you can invest more deeply in the lives of those that God has brought to your fellowship.
Experience the joy of Seeing others grow
Helping others make real progress on their journey is one of the most rewarding things we can experience in this life.

Bible literacy is the way
For 20 years I saw the same thing. Those who knew their Bibles simply experienced more joy and growth in Christ than those who did not. Knowing God's Word is absolutely essential.
Embrace a long-term investment mindset
No real transformation happens overnight. Think of Bible Study as a long-term investment rather than a quick fix.
Decide you will put in the necessary work
If you really want to enjoy the soul-satisfying delight of God's Word, accept that it will take some time and work.
Reap a lifetime of Delight and joy
There's no joy quite like experiencing the truth and beauty of God's word for yourself, and doing so for years to come.
I've been at this for awhile
Since choosing to follow Christ on May 20, 1999, I have dedicated my life to studying, understanding, and teaching the Bible. I have taught nearly every book of the Bible and trained people of all ages to know and love God's Word.
During my time as a Teaching Pastor at Heritage Christian Fellowship, I’ve taught the Bible to groups of all sizes.
My You Can Learn the Bible YouTube channel has just surpassed 7700 subscribers and my videos have been viewed over 385,000 times

In 2007, I graduated with a Masters in Christian Apologetics from Biola University and continued to take classes in Talbot School of Theology
Lifelong sTUDENT.
I am still on the journey of discovering new treasures in God's Word (and buying more books than I have time to read)
Some questions. Some answers.
You may want to know a little bit more about Bodie, so here are some of the questions he would want answered if he was in your shoes.
Have another question? Get in touch! Bodie would love to hear from you.
I was raised in a healthy, supportive home where I was shown constant love and encouragement, but it was not a home where we went to church. God started to draw my heart to him in High School (I often went to church alone and was just fine with it), but it was in college at Chapman University (where I met my someday-to be wife, Heidi) that Joey Rozek (now my podcast co-host) shared the gospel with me and led me to Christ. Joey and Tom Long from Heritage Christian Fellowship held a Thursday night Bible Study in Tom's home that I attended for years. This was where my real love of Scripture blossomed. I later went on staff with Tom Long as Heritage's first Youth Pastor and began teaching Jr. Highers and High Schoolers God's Word.
I believe that the Bible is the very word of God and hold to the classical confessions of faith regarding the divine inspiration and purpose of Scripture. Since it originates with God, I believe it is intrinsically true, yet I also believe that there are obvious, necessary, human (and therefore literary) elements that matter. Genre, style, authorship, textual transmission through time, and more, and do not diminish it's truthfulness or divine origin, yet must be taken into account for proper study.
I believe that anyone can learn the Bible if given the proper guidance. I believe that just because the Bible is "inspired" that doesn't mean it's easy or automatic. Learning the Bible takes work, but is the most worthwhile pursuit anyone can ever undertake. I believe that we should be doing more than and just teaching or preaching "at" people. We must be training them to become "first-handers" who know how to read the Bible for themselves.
I have about 457 more core values, but this is getting long, so if you have a particular question, send me an email.
As I have sought to practice what I preach, I have done my very best to let the authors of Scripture themselves get the first chance at shaping my heart with their divenely-inspired words. I truly pray that Moses, David, Paul, Luke and other inspired writers have shaped me more than any others as they have channeled the direct words of God Himself to my own heart.
Yet, there have been other massively significant individuals who have played a key role in my spiritual formation, as well. Let me just focus on contemporary individals (over the classical lords we all expect in lists like this):
Tom Long, John Piper, Greg Koukl, Tom Schriener, Patrick Schriener, R.C. Sproul, JP Moreland, William Lane Craig, Dallas Willard, Jen Wilkin, Mark Strauss, Josh & Sean McDowell, and Joey Rozek, my friend, podcast co-host, and truly one of the finest Bible teachers I have ever known.
I almost always recommend How to Read the Bible Book by Book by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stewart as a great handbook to get a quick sense of each book. I absolutely adore 4 Portraits 1 Jesus if you want an incredible single volume deep dive into the gospels and the life of Christ. Though I wish it were cheaper, it's absolutely worth it. If you want to get a sense of the Bible as an overarching narrative, in the style of a novel, I recommend The Drama of Scripture. Lastly, for a great short read on the fundamentals of Bible Study I recommend Jen Wilkin's Women of the Word (for anyone, not just women). Such amazing insights on study and learning.
I wanted to really help fill some of the gaps that I saw in people's understanding of the Bible. As a Pastor, I met lots of people who were familiar with the Bible, but not as many who really knew it. The Bible Study Success Path is my answer to two questions: 1) "What's Essential?" and 2) "What's missing in people's Bible training?" I have tried to distill the most important concepts everyone needs to understand the Bible, and then organize them in an easy-to-follow way.
I live in Yorba Linda, CA and my family attend Richfield Community Church. I teach the Fundamentals of Bible Study every Sunday Morning in an adult Sunday School class, and frequently teaching in our 5&6th grade, as well as Jr High, High School and College Ministries. We are still connected to our previous church, Heritage Christian Fellowship and have many life-long relationships there.
Apart from 1) the joy of knowing God himself, and 2) the incredible, soul-satisfying relationships the Lord has blessed me with in my family, church, and community, tennis is next in line in my heart. I am a tennis maniac. I watch, play, and follow tennis like a mad-man. I like other sports, but I adore tennis. Andre Agassi is my all-time favorite player.
I am also a big music fan and do my best to see some of my favorite bands whenever possible. CityAlight is my favorite band (finally saw them live for the first time at TGC23!), along with Shane and Shane as I believe they are exemplary contemporary examples of modern lead worshippers.
I also dig NEEDTOBREATHE, Switchfoot, Drew & Ellie Holcomb, Mat Kearney, Ben Rector, Blues Traveler, Counting Crows and Rush. I love napping and chocolate. I hate avocados. They are disgusting. Come at me bro (but in Christian love).
Come delight in God's Word with me
Join the You Can Learn the Bible Academy and
let's grow in God's Word together!