(No Seminary Required)
Coming Soon: The Bible Success Playbook is a free, 7-Day email course that contains everything you need for success in Bible study, distilled down to the key essentials, and organized into one easy-to-follow email course.
Learn Skills and Best Practices for Bible Study Success
unlock How to Correctly Apply Any Passage to Your Life
discover How Your Life Fits Within God's Eternal Purpose
understand How Skillful Bible Study Can Transform Your Life

Learn the
what matters
Deepen Your
yoUR Faith
"The struggle is real"
Bible Study is awesome, but it's also tough. It's hard to make the time in our busy lives, and it's hard to know if we're making the most of that time.
Is this you?
"I really want to grow in my faith"
You wouldn't be here if you didn't care, but you still aren't satisfied with where you are
"It feels like there's never enough time "
Studying God's Word always seems to get squeezed out of your schedule
"I feel guilty when I get distracted "
You finally made the time, but got pulled into something else and that time vanished
"I'M NOT SURE where I SHOULD start"
Once you finally sit down to read, you don't have much of a plan to follow
"My faith isn't growing how I'd hoped"
It feels like you should be further along by now, but you just aren't
"i wish I could find others like me "
If only there were people who could hold you accountable and keep you on track
There's a better way.

Here's how we can help
You Can Learn the Bible trains eager Bible students to understand and delight in God's Word using The Bible Study Success Path.
what we recommend:
Learn the Essentials of Bible study success
Start with our free email course for Bible students, The Bible Success Playbook, which lays out everything you need to know to start making serious progress in your Bible journey
Get Distilled Summaries of Each Bible Book
Check out the You Can Learn the Bible Podcast, where we summarize complete Bible books in single episodes. Each episode will equip and inspire you to better understand a book of the Bible
Accelerate YOur growth in community
When you are ready to take your skills to the next level, there is the You Can Learn the Bible Academy: our private membership community dedicated to your growth and transformation
Getting started is Easy.
We're here to help you succeed. Our free email course, The Bible Success Playbook, gives you all the essentials you need to get going right away

The Bible Success Playbook teaches you the essential foundations of Bible Study to help you sharpen your Bible skills, and accelerate your progress (regardless of your experience or background)
Learn the foundations with the email course
Why Skillful Bible Study Will Transform Your Life Forever
How to Set Yourself Up for Long-Term Bible Study Success
Your Life for God's Plan: The Full Story of the Bible (So Far)
How to Make The Most of Every Minute You Spend in Scripture
Jesus is the Center of All: What That Means & Why it Matters
Why Union with Christ is the Source of Real, Lasting Life Change
Why These Books? A Simple Introduction to the Bible's 66 Books

Bobbie Guice
Orange, CA
Unlock each Book through the Podcast
Every other week we release a new episode of the You Can Learn the Bible Podcast, where Joey Rozek and Bodie Quirk summarize a complete book of the Bible in a single episode using our 7-Part framework to equip and inspire you to make the most of your time in God's Word.
Understand and connect each Bible book at a high level
Get a strategic action plan for reading and studying
gain insights and notice connections between books and ideas
download a PDF summary to use as a Bible study guide

Richard Goodwin
Orange, CA
Strengthen your Bible skILLS inside the academy
When you are ready to take your skills and knowledge to the next level, consider joining the You Can Learn the Bible Academy.
Whether you're seeking to improve your Bible Study Skills, or your Teaching Skills, the Academy is here to equip, support and encourage you to grow and succeed in what God has called you to do.
Office Hours
Every Wednesday from 12-1pm PST we host a live call where you can ask any question or discuss any topic
Course Library
Miss a live workshop? Rewatch it! As well as our growing archive of online courses (exclusive to members)

Monthly Live Workshops
On the last Friday of each month, we offer a live workshop for Academy members on our top-voted topic
Post a question, topic, or anything else in our discussion forum and get insights from other members

Todd Thornton
Bowling Green, KY
the BIble Study success path (6 essential areas)
We asked ourselves: "What are the absolute essential things someone would need to learn in order to really understand the Bible?"
The Bible Study Success Path was our answer.
gAIN THE PROPER TOOLS and Mindset for learning
How do I form a Bible Study habit? What Bible should I choose? Where should I get started reading? How can I set myself up for success?
How does the larger story of the Bible fit together? What are the most important turning point events? What themes do we see throughout?
Consider Genre, Background, & Author's Intent
What are the major differences between Bible genres? What was important at the time of writing? How does this text apply to our lives today?
understand the Impact of Jesus’ life & ministry
How does the entire Bible point to Jesus? What are the major factors we need to know about his life and ministry? How does he fulfill prophecy?
Unite Your Life to the Savior and to the Story
How do we experience authentic inward growth and transformation? How do we become more Christlike and live like people who have been set free?
Learn How to Study Each Book with Excellence
What should we know about each of the books of the Bible? Do they all offer something unique? How are they the same or different from the others?
The academy is where we walk the success path step-by-step. together.

Here are some of the questions we think you might be wondering about:
Everything. Seriously! Your Academy membership is your all-access pass to all Courses, Workshops, Live Events, and Community Discussions. Members get early access to Podcast Episodes before they get released, post new discussion topics in the community, and submit topics for future Live Workshops.
We are in the midst of setting up an online store for individual purchases of Bible workshops and resources. It's not quite ready yet, but it's coming soon.
Most likely, members of the Academy will be committed followers of Christ, but we don't have any faith requirements for membership. Anyone is free to join and remain as long as they abide by our code of conduct. If you are seeking to learn the Bible, but don't consider yourself a Christian, you are welcome to join (and we would love to have you!).
For those on the annual plan, you lock in your rate for life as long as you keep your membership in good standing. When the Academy price goes up in the future, your price stays the same. For those on the quarterly plan, everyone pays the current rate, regardless of how long your membership has been active.
Yes! As we begin to offer more workshops, courses, and resources, the price will increase, but anyone can join at any time. Some communities offer open and close windows, but we believe you should be able to join when you are ready, not when we are.
The Academy runs on Circle, the gold standard platform for online communities today. You can access it through a web browser by logging in on the You Can Learn the Bible homepage or through the Circle iOS or Android App.
are you ready?
Let's take your Bible skills to the next level.
My name is Bodie Quirk. I was a Teaching Pastor at my church for over 20 years before stepping down to focus on building You Can Learn the Bible full time.
I did not grow up reading the Bible.
I came to faith in Christ during college and knew basically nothing about the Bible. I read. I studied. I went to countless home Bible Studies. I couldn't get enough.
Although many people taught me God's Word, nobody showed me how it all fit together. I had to figure that out on my own. Now, I want to share everything I have learned with you.
You Can Learn the Bible is my way of distilling and organizing everything I know about the Bible down to the key essentials, and then delivering them to you. I want to help maximize your growth in minimum time.
Nothing will change your life more than knowing and loving God's Word deeply, and I want to help you get there.
I truly believe you can learn, and love, the Bible.

Bodie has received some encouraging feedback about his Bible teaching, both from people he taught at his church, as well as those who found him on YouTube.

Teresa Tarver
Cypress, TX

Bob Lilley
Anaheim, CA

Carrie Knight
YouTube Subscriber "Good Knight Dachshunds"

Gino Natividad
Orange, CA

Gordon Bowler
YouTube Subscriber

Kevin Holmdahl
Irvine, CA

David Natividad
Orange, CA

Mark Stark
Orange, CA

Kristen Duran
Orange, CA
Ready when you are.
If you are ready to begin making real progress on your Bible literacy journey,
we are here to help you.
No more feeling lost and confused
No More FrustratED bIBLE rEADING
no more spOTTY biBLE kNOWLEDGE
Let's Deepen & strengthen your faith
Let's sharpen your Bible skills
Let's Connect you with others
Let's Accelerate YOur progress
Start the
Email course
7-Day Sequence of Emails that walk you the foundations of studying the Bible well
to the Podcast
Distilled Summaries of Bible Books in single episodes using our 7-Part Framework
in the Academy
Private online membership community to accelerate your Bible Study growth