Sharpen YOur Skills. Answer Your Calling. Fulfull your ministry.

The You Can Learn the Bible Academy is an online community that trains eager Bible students to understand & delight in God’s Word, and equips small group Bible teachers to fulfill their ministry to their local church.

Open Bible On Wood Table

Sharpen Your
BiblE skILLS


Improve your teaching skills

Your Progress


Understand & Delight in God's Word

There's nothing better than opening up God's Word and knowing exactly what's going on in the text (no matter what you happen to be reading) and how it relates to your life now.


The more you know and understand the Bible, the more you’ll notice key themes and ideas while you read


As you better understand how the Bible works, you’ll begin to discover more and more ways it applies to your life today

Strengthen YOur faitH & Deepen YOur Joy

Learning the Bible is not just about digesting information, it's about experiencing real spiritual transformation

Woman drinking coffee reading the Bible
Women Studying the Bible

Help Others lEARN & Love god'S woRD

If you're a Bible teacher in your local church, God is already using you to change the lives of those in your congregation. That's why we want to equip and support you in your calling.

Prepare your best Content in less time

Let's set you up for success so you can deliver your best to your people without hours and hours of preparation time


Deliver your content with clarity and passion while you effectively manage the dynamics of your environment

improve Your cRAFT and bUILD Others Up

As you become a better teacher of God’s word, more and more people will look to you to help them grow

FOr Everyone:

Accelerate your growth inside the academy

The You Can Learn the Bible Academy is a private, online membership community for Bible students and Bible teachers that offers support and training for both Bible Study Skills and Bible Teaching Skills.

(but, you know, without the seminary)


We are committed to helping you thrive as a follower of Christ and as a student or teacher of God's Word


The best way to really grow is to first understand the fundamentals, and then learn them in the proper order

You Can Learn the Bible Academy Poster Image


The Bible is the authority, not us. The Academy is committed to  holding fast to biblical truth


Access training and support whenever you need, and from wherever you are in the world

Woman drinking coffee reading the Bible
List of Office Hours
Map of the Divided Kingdom
Office Hours Meeting with 4 people
Laptop and coffee on a table
Bible Timeline Graphic 4
Bible Academy Screenshot
Course Lesson
List of Romans Workshops
Judea and Samaria Map
Course Lesson Podcast Episode
Wednesday Office Hours Meeting
Bible Timeline Graphic 2
Office Hours Meeting with 4 people
Podcast Lesson Screenshot
Screenshot from The Complete Bible Timeline
Course Lesson
List of Office Hours
Wednesday Office Hours Meeting
List of Academy Workshops
Office Hours Meeting
Roman Empire Map
Screenshot of Academy Office Hours
List of Romans Workshops
This community of believers reminds me how much Jesus loves and care for me. When I have doubts about my faith, my brothers and sisters always encourage me, and remind me that God sees the small things that I do in His name and that brings him joy. What I enjoy most is that this is an open forum. We are free to speak about anything that is on our mind.
Haffiza Allen

Haffiza Allen

Orange, CA

Just Follow the Path

We asked ourselves: "What are the essential things someone would need to learn in order to really understand the Bible?"

The Bible Study Success Path is our answer.

It's a journey through the 6 essential areas of Bible literacy: Skills, Story, Context, Jesus, Identity and Books.


Gain the Proper Tools and Mindset for Learning

2. Story

Connect the Major Events in the Biblical Narrative

3. Context

Consider Genre, Author's Intent, & Background

4. jesus

Unite Your Life to the Savior and to the Story

5. Identity

Unite Your Life to the Savior and to the Story

6. Books

Learn How to Study Each Book with Excellence

Learn on your terms

People have very different learning styles. We get it. That's why we offer Bible training in a variety of different formats:


Every Wednesday from 12-1pm PST we host a live call where you can ask discuss any topic you want

Monthly Live

The last Friday of each month we offer a live workshop for Academy members on our top-voted topic

Bible Academy
Course Library

Miss a live workshop? Rewatch it! As well as our growing archive of members-only online courses

Daily Community

Post a question, topic, or anything else in our discussion forum and get insights for other members

Woman holding and reading a Bible
Man waring flannel and holding an open Bible on his leg

Bible Teachers, Rejoice

We’re Bible teachers in our local church, so just like you, we know how much goes into teaching the Bible. We offer:

Teaching Series

Let's plan out your upcoming series,  specific message topics, and Bible passages for your small group class

Visual Slide
planning & Design

Using slides? Let's put together a clean, effective slide deck that directs and displays your content

Teaching Topic
& Content clarity

Let's workshop your main idea, supporting points, discussion topics, and teaching resources together

Sermon Feedback
& coaching

Want to get feedback on your teaching? Send us a recording and let's go through it together

Teachers Helping teachers

Our vision for the Academy is to allow local church Bible teachers to support one another in our ministries, wherever they may be.

Similar to The Bible Study Success Path, we believe that there are six essential components of teaching God's Word in the local church.

We call it The Bible Teacher's Success Path

1. Environment

Develop a Healthy Ministry Culture and Expectations

2. Preparation

Research, Organize, and Build a Solid Teaching Plan

3. Finalization

Create a Sermon-Ready Outline or Presentation

4. Teaching

Deliver a World-Class Message to Your Small Group


Reflect, Process, and Keep Improving Your Skills

6. Discipleship

Mentor and Raise Up Others to Teach God's Word

Annual Membership includes:

12 Live Training Workshops

Once a month (usually the last Friday of the month) we host a live Bible training workshop

40+ Live Office hOURS Calls

Nearly every Wednesday throughout the year, we provide an open forum to discuss any Bible topic

Unlimited Community Posts

Have a question? Need some insight? Want some help? Create a new post whenever you want


Access our growing library of online Bible courses and past Academy workshops at any time

Quarterly Book Club

Struggling with your Bible reading plan? We offer weekly and monthly accountability to keep you on track

Academy Special Events

We love having fun and being together as well as learning! See the calendar for our special events

bIBLE Teacher's tRAINING

Get support, training, and encouragement as you serve others in your local church


There's just nothing like being around others that love God and want to strengthen their skills

Bible on Wood Table

Choose Your Plan

Whether you are an eager Bible Student or a Teacher in your local church, the You Can Learn the Bible Academy is here to help you grow.

SAVE 20%
Get Weekly Live Help During Office Hours
Get Monthly Live Training at Academy Workshops
Submit Topics & Vote For Future Workshops
Access All Content: Courses, Past Workshops, and Podcast Episodes (Including Early Access to New Episodes)
Connect with Other Bible Students & Teachers like you
Become a More Confident Bible Student or Teacher
Lock In Your Price Forever (when Academy price goes up in the future, you keep your original price)
Regular Price
Get Weekly Live Help During Office Hours
Get Monthly Live Training at Academy Workshops
Submit Topics & Vote For Future Workshops
Access All Content: Courses, Past Workshops, and Podcast Episodes (Including Early Access to New Episodes)
Connect with Other Bible Students & Teachers like you
Become a More Confident Bible Student or Teacher
No Price Lock-In (Price Lock-in Available for Annual Membership Only)

Small investment. Big Value.

Sermons are free. Seminaries can be expensive.
The You Can Learn the Bible Academy fits perfectly between two, providing online Bible training at a fraction of the cost of online seminary programs.

Biola University
6 Credits (Part Time)
at $425 Per Academic Credit
$2550 per semester x 2
= $5,100 per year (2023)
Concordia University
6 Credits (Part Time)
at $495 Per Academic Credit
$2970 per semester x 2
= $5940 per year (2023)
You Can Learn the Bible
Standard Membership
Save 20% Annually
Lock in your Rate Forever
All Academy Benefits Included
Compare features
Cares about your Spiritual and Academic Growth
Provides a Solid Biblical Foundation
Offers a Supportive Learning Community
Available Completely Online
Guarantees a Fixed Price Forever
You Help Shape the Curriculum & Direction
No Testing or Papers to Turn In
Access to All Courses & Workshops
Receives Accredited College Degree

sEE WHAT OTHERS are saying

Bodie invited some friends from his church to join a pilot group for the You Can Learn the Bible Academy. Here's what they had to say:

Bodie has developed the tools and an easy way to help me better understand the Bible in terms of context, history and application for my life.
Brigitte Holmdahl

Brigitte Holmdahl

Irvine, CA

Bodie has an incredible knack for breaking down books of the Bible and organizing the content into a very clear structure that makes learning incredibly successful and rewarding. I cannot recommend enough!
Hailey Phillipps

Hailey Phillipps

Trabuco Hills, CA

This Academy is teaching me how to simplify reading the Bible and continue to learn about God's faithfulness to us.
Haffiza Allen

Haffiza Allen

Orange, CA

He combines the right amount of cross referencing, depth and passion to motivate attentiveness and the desire to learn. He works to leave no one behind. He loops back to his main points enough so the main message is not lost in the details.
David Natividad

David Natividad

Orange, CA

Bodie has helped bring clarity and fresh perspective to my understanding of Biblical theology: Seeing the Bible as the integrated vibrant beautiful living Word of God.
Gino Natividad

Gino Natividad

Orange, CA

Bodie's knowledge of scripture, enthusiasm and energy are inspiring and instills a desire to learn more.
Stephanie Makarewicz Headshot

Stephanie Makarewicz

Irvine, CA

Weekly Office Hours

Connect with other members live each week during Office Hours, and at other exclusive Academy events

aCADEMY Course

Access Bodie's teaching archive (in process) to learn what you want to know right away

Monthly Live

Join others on the last Friday of every month to go deep into our most-voted on topic


Ask and answer questions with others who are seeking to learn the Bible along with you


Let's plan out your upcoming series,  specific message topics, and Bible passages for your small group class


Using slides? Let put together a clean, effective slide deck that directs and displays your content


Let's workshop your main idea, supporting points, discussion topics, and teaching resources together

Sermon Feedback & Coaching

What to get feedback on your teaching? Send us a recording and let's go through it together


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What's included with Academy membership?

Everything. Seriously! Your Academy membership is your all-access pass all Courses, Workshops, Live Events, and Community Discussions. Members get early access to Podcast Episodes before they get released, post new  discussion topics in the community, and submit topics for future Live Workshops.

Do you sell workshops individually?

We are in the midst of setting up an online store for one-off purchases of Bible workshops and resources. It's not quite ready yet, but it's coming soon.

Do I have to be a professing Christian to join?

Most members of the Academy will likey be committed followers of Christ, but we don't have any faith requirements for membership. Anyone is free to join and remain as long as they abide by our code of conduct. If you are seeking to learn the Bible, but don't consider yourself a Christian, you are welcome to join (and we would love to have you!).

Will my Membership price ever go up?

For those on the annual plan, you lock in your rate for life as long as you keep your membership in good standing. When the Academy price goes up in the future, your price stays the same. For those on the quarterly plan, everyone pays the current rate, regardless of how long your membership has been active.

Is the Academy always open to join?

Yes! Our doors are always open, but the price will continue to rise as the value of the Academy goes up. The more workshops, courses and resources we offer, the more the price will go up, but anyone can join at any time

What tools and platforms does the Academy run on?

The Academy runs on Circle, the gold standard platform for online communities today. You can access it through a web browser by logging in on the You Can Learn the Bible homepage or through the Circle iOS or Android App.

are you ready?

Let's take your Bible skills to the next level.


The You Can Learn the Bible Academy is the community I wanted when I started learning (and later teaching) God's Word.

My goal is to reach those who are excited and hungry about learning God's Word, and those who love and serve their local church through teaching.

If you are ready to make an investment in your faith and knowledge (that will strengthen both you and those around you), then I would love for you to join me inside the You Can Learn the Bible Academy.

Together, let's serve and support one another as we seek to advance the kingdom of God with our lives and ministries.

May God bless you as you seek to love and serve Him more!


Bodie Quirk sitting in front of a lovely wall

Ready when you are

Let's get you started on your journey right away

No more feeling lost and confused

No More FrustratED bIBLE rEADING

no more spOTTY biBLE kNOWLEDGE

nO moRE fEELING ALONE on your journey

Person with glasses reading a Bible in a field
Women holding hands and praying at a Bible Study

Deepen your faith

Strengthen your Bible skills

Connect with others

Accelerate YOur progress

Become a more confident Bible Student or Teacher


Learn the Essentials. Connect with Others. Accelerate Your Progress.